Monday 5 December 2011

Spaghetti Bolognese Cooking Tips and Tricks - Make a Delicious Dish Easily and Quickly

ou love spaghetti Bolognese. Indeed, this is one of the most popular and delicious pasta dishes. By using some simple tips and tricks you can make the tastiest pasta ever without much effort.
Use fresh tomatoes instead of a ready tomato sauce to make spaghetti Bolognese. Just remember to peel them off and to grind them finely. This dish is usually made with ground beef, but it is often a bit too dry. That is why you may add a little bit of ground pork so that the meat is juicier.
Do not fry the onions and other vegetables and the beef separately. The idea is for the ingredients to mix well. Just add the onions, garlic, pepper and mushrooms to the skillet first and add the ground meat when they get soft.
Use a wooden spatula to separate the ground meat into smaller pieces in the skillet and to mix it with the rest of the ingredients. That way, you will get the desired small clumps faster.
Add two or three tablespoons of red wine to the mix for the Bolognese sauce before adding the tomatoes. The wine will take away the smell of raw meat and add delicious aroma to it. In general, you can use white wine as an alternative, but the aroma of red wine is richer. Add the tomatoes only after most of the wine has evaporated.
After adding the tomatoes to the mixture, you should mix all ingredients well and bring them to boil. Then you need to add a tablespoon of sugar and mix well. The sugar will reduce the acidity of the tomatoes and will give the sauce a richer and fuller flavor. Do not worry - your sauce Bolognese will not be sweet.
Use a range of herbs to give more aroma and flavor to your dish. Basil, oregano and thyme are the main herbs that you should definitely use. You may want to add rosemary, bay leaf, ground pepper and just a little bit of savory. All herbs used should be dry.
Always add a teaspoon of salt and a tablespoon of olive oil to the water in which you will cook the spaghetti before you bring it to boil. It is equally important not to "wash" the pasta with cold water after it is ready. Just pour the spaghetti into the colander and wait for a few minutes before serving. Do not let the pasta dry too much.
Enjoy super delicious spaghetti Bolognese!


  1. Thanks for checking out my site today. Food is one of my favorite subjects!

  2. This is a good recipe. I'm going to try it!

  3. Your recipe is looking good i would love to try it.
    Larissa Choma
